Key Summary Points
- Traded volumes so far in 2020 are 3% ahead of same period in 2019, Q3 2020 8% over Q3 2019.
- Average DAM prices so far this year 36% below 2019, and Q3 2020 20% below same period in 2019.
- DAM prices have been strengthening since May 2020, when they hit bottom at €25.6 per MWh. September 2020 have caught up with same month in 2019, standing at €44.
- Market value YTD still 33% below same period last year, and Q3 2020 14% below same period in 2019.
- In Q3 2020 92.5% of all ex-ante volumes were traded in DAM, this compares to 93.5% in the same period in 2019.
Take a look at the key statistics report comparing trends year on year for Quarter 3 2020 in our Quarterly Market Report Q3 2020.
If you require more detailed information please see our Ex-Ante Market Look back dataset available from the SEMOpx website. This dataset is regularly updated with historical price and volume information for all the SEM ex-ante markets.