Key Statistics Q2 2020

  • Traded volumes for YTD and q-o-q very similar to last year's.
  • Average DAM price has fallen by 42% y-o-y, and 45% q-o-q.
  • Consequently, value of market has seen a steep reduction of 40% y-o-y and 46% for Q2 2020 compared to same period last year.
  • Share of trades has marginally increased for IDAs (mainly IDA 1) and decreased for DAM in Q2 2020 compared to same period last year.

Take a look at the key statistics report comparing trends year on year for Quarter 2 2020 in our Quarterly Market Report Q2 2020.

If you require more detailed information please see our Ex-Ante Market Look back dataset available from the SEMOpx website. This dataset is regularly updated with historical price and volume information for all the SEM ex-ante markets.