April 2020 key market statistics


  • Decline in traded volumes compared to April 2019 (2% down), although YTD traded volumes almost identical to last year's (1% up).
  • A significant drop (43%) in average DAM prices, compared to April 2019, 41% drop y-o-y.
  • Lower traded volumes and lower prices mean April 2020 market value fell by 48% compared to April 2019.
  • Proportion of trading was down in DAM in April 2020 compared to same month 2019 and up in IDA 1 by a similar proportion.

For further information you can view the April 2020 monthly report here.

If you require more detailed information please see our Ex-Ante Market look back dataset available from the SEMOpx website. This dataset is regularly updated with historical price and volume information for all the SEM ex-ante markets.