10 of 526 Documents
  1. SEMOpx Market Data Sources for Data Service Providers v1.1


    Portable Document Format (PDF) pdf 525.0 kB

    Provides an overview of the SEMOpx market data source systems, interface options, available market data, frequency and available timing

  2. SEMOpx_REMIT_Continuous_September2020


    XML Document zip 1.4 MB

    REMIT Continuous files 01/09 - 30/09

  3. SEMOpx_REMIT_Auctions_September2020


    XML Document zip 33.8 MB

    REMIT auction files 01/09 - 30/09

  4. SEMOpx Information Document ETS 3.4.6


    Portable Document Format (PDF) pdf 852.0 kB

    Contains up to date information and the upcoming deployment of the new ETS 3.4.6 version. Go Live 30/09/20

  5. SEMOpx_REMIT_Continuous_August2020.zip


    XML Document zip 1.5 MB

    REMIT Continuous files 01/08 - 31/08
